The humanity creativity and its influence on a mens history and life

The humanity is very imaginative, our imagination is the key to a strong developing of our kind. Our inventions have been constantly changing our planet, have impackt on crucial matters and beings which are in our surroundings and in the end the creativity has an influence on ourselves. There are many inventions which had changed the history of humanity, the one which is the most valid is fire. A bright flame in the dark cave brought the men kind light, warm and preservation from wild animals, it supported them in food preparation and in chaesing animals and according to the neawest analysis it had a good influence on our brain and thinking process.

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Autor: Sylvain Kalache
The next large step in development of humanity was a creation of a wheel which helped people transport and trade things. The next thing was an agriculture which supported people stay in one place for a longer period of time and then invention of a writing. The last flash of creativity have brought the men kind a well possibility to communicate in space (you can send a message in a long-distance journey, it was very good for trade) and time (human beings have started write down their tales).

A knowledge how to write has differentiate the way of absorbing the reality and how we memoriase it. Before that innowation people had to remember many things, including the past of their tribe (oral customs), after that they just needed to remember where they had the notes. One of the oldest discovery about stories transfer by speaking was noticed in Australia, that is a legend about a large flood. Today writing and language understanding is the key to knowledge about cultures and ancient history (a fantastic example of this case is the Rosseta Stone, which that kind of key to understand hieroglyphs).

The newest huge inventions are: the electricity, computer devices and the Internet, specially software development (example) is very important (of’ course with a lack of electricity and computer devices there won’t be that sort of goods like software development). The Internet made the world faster than it used to be. We travelmove faster, we have instantly contact with each other, our knowledge is in the Internet, that is changing us constantly. The creativity of the humanity is unstoppable and it is interesting, it is an interesting - where we will be in the next 20, 50 or a 100 years. Have we decided to go a good path of developing our culture?