How to besecured in the Global Web – advices for individual users and corporations

IT safety is very important in the modern world. Today we use computer not just for work, but also for entertainment, many of us interact with it all day. Computers, mobiles, Smartwaches all of these outstanding inventions are connected with the Web and very sophisticated , besides they are full of data. Privacy in the Web is very significant, nevertheless it is also very valuable in the different meaning. The knowledge about our needs is very significant for large firms who like to know what we want to or like to purchase.


Other companies are created to save data such as IT outsourcing companies (find more), which managed data and managed services. IT outsourcing companies are located in business parks or on big spaces because their equipment take a lot of area. These locations are highly secured and in the very same way our personal computers need to be protected. It is very important to update our software, do the scan of the disk and fallow the instructions (from the source which we know), but first of all we don’t have to put so many information about us in the Internet.

Naturally there are some firms which have to have and provide our data such as the government offices or mobile corporations (mostly that sort of corporations are the best purchaser of the IT outsourcing companies and they need to managed services) - lern more. However our photo, shared in social networks, give crucial informations about our material status or where we are in particular time, therefore some thief can know when and where he or she can attack our property.

Are You aware You may more details at the page ( It’s very similar issue so it should be interesting and may help You to widen Your knowledge a lot .

A different problem are the photographs of our children, posted by us in a giant number.

There are 2 main issues and dangers, the first one is clear: these photographs can be used by mentally sick people who may be dangerous for us and our offsprings. Secondly pictures which we shared on our Internet space may have wrong influence on them in the next years. In general ww neeed to protect ourselves, our kids and the people with whom we work in a firm. Computer safety is very important in today’s world, we must notice possible insecure situations in the Web and, what is more important, try to prepare our offsprings for these matters and educate them.