Developing tempo of improvements in the industry as a fact that has both positive aspects and disadvantages

Industry except agriculture and services is mentioned among different profesionalists in the field of economics to be one of the fundaments of every economy. As a result, different governments worldwide, first of all those, for which such a area is exceptionally important as they for instance have access to broad range of resources, invest money in technology development. It is quite influential as, first and foremost, the competition in such a topic has got so fierce that without putting our efforts on improving the technology we would be unable to remain on the market.


Autor: Adam Moss
It is proved by the fact that the flow of the technology and its transfer is quite fierce, as one information from one edge of Earth to another is likely to be transferred even in less than one second. Such a implies that something that was known to be impossible for people inter alia fifty years ago, these days is real. Consequently, we ought to realize that in fact there are almost no limits for the human beings.

Industry also contains broad range of examples that can prove to us that something that used to be thought to be impossible, is nowadays real. We might find out it for instance thanks to analyzing the effectiveness of factories that are more and more regularly using machines instead of human beings. Despite the fact that it is with no doubt simple to explain, as machines are precise, make less faults etc., we should be aware of the fact that their growing use in the production process mostly results in the fact that people with no special skills have problems with finding a job offer.

Taking everything into consideration, we should be aware of the fact that in terms of this kind branches of economy like industry the improvement of technology are likely to be evaluated either as a positive or negative factor. Nonetheless, the most likely tendency in the future is related to even more grown use of machines, which implies that in order to prepare ourselves us for the future in this topic the best solution is to either obtain knowledge regards managing or invention of such machines.